Tuesday, April 5

Facetiousness defined: a response to an idiotic comment

Just because someone in this world is actually naive enough not to fully understand, I would like to say a little something about facetiousness. First let me give Webster's definition:

Facetious: 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally. 2. amusing; humorous. 3. characterized by a lack of serious intent; concerned with that which is non-essential, amusing, or frivolous.

In case that didn't drive the point home, let me point out a few obvious indicators of facetiousness or sarcasm. When a person makes a very bold, controversial statement followed by a smiley face, one would typically understand the statement to be facetious.

Typically such facetiousness is better understood in context. For example, let's take a person (like myself) who is known for placing great value on things such as: charitable organizations, understanding people, religion, faith, politics, education, etc (Those are all topics of previous blogs... not to mention the priorities laid out in my post on my Life Plan). When that person places an overemphasis on something like MONEY it is more than likely that such a statement was intended to be taken facetiously (did I mention the smiley?).

Well, I am really giving this more attention than it merits. The truth is any coward who can idiotically and anonymously criticize a blogger's facetious assertion probably has too much time and too few personal endowments with which to make use of it.


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so embarrassed for your commentor who thought him/herself to be quite the smarty-pants. Your having started off the post title with "apparently..." indicated that you were about to bring on some satire. It seems to me that there are readers clicking through blogs just looking for things to shoot down. But they end up making fools of themselves, because they read one snippet of something and before reading the rest, blast off on their big soapbox just loving to show off. Without even knowing your personality I can tell that you were being sarcastic. Good thing that person posted as anonymous! Yeah, I BET they'd try to kick your ass because ya know, they seem that mature and it would be funny because they also seem kind of pussy-ish too. I for one liked the post. You're right. People do seem to have a very reverent and undivided devotion to money and that can bring them together! Good day and keep up the good blogging.

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clint, it was no surprise to me that you had to once again refer to a book, someone else's words to come up with the definition for what was probably the largest word you've used this week. Also, it was cute how your two cronies came to your defense...especially the eloquent words contained in the first response to my thoughts. I doubt that in real life, as in off your cute little blog page, your intelligence far surpasses your friends'. And as far as your comment about my endeavors and how you're too busy to respond to such thoughts... I wrote my comments at around 12:15 in the afternoon. I was shocked to find that in the midst of your "busy" life, you were able to respond so promptly. I can see you just sitting there by your computer, looking pathetic, waiting on pins & needles for someone to respond to your drivel. You are a young, naive person, that no doubt had everything handed to you growing up. You no doubt were very insecure about everything, probably one of those guys that needed to have the name brand clothes, put up the front to everyone that you had it all together. Any truth to any of that? Do you have the capacity to be honest with yourself? Would those in your past agree that the Clint they know/knew is the same Clint that professes that love, religion, etc, etc, found in your profile, are the foundations of your life? I do not want you to think that I am coming down on you or attacking you, but without a doubt you will get defensive and abrasive, just another showing of that insecurity that I spoke of earlier.

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why all the hate? you people are so damn annoying. everyone needs to getover themselves. this person responded just as "promptly" as he/she said clint did. It looks like he was on just as many pins and needles. does he feel stupid that he was the only person who DIDN'T get the joke about money? so it was a stupid post. get over it. note to mr. anger: in your statement "but without a doubt you will get defensive and abrasive" i think you misused the word abrasive. abrasive is what YOU are, when you get caught not getting a joke. defensive is also what you are when you get a taste of your own medicine and people criticize you. i read a quote once that said something like "the only person more foolish than the know-it-all is the man who argues with him."


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