Saturday, December 31

Why be an entrepreneur?

I know why I get up every morning to take on the challenges of an entrepreneur, but it is nice to know what gets one of my good friends and partners going. Will Allred added a few of his reasons to's list of 75 reasons to be an entrepreneur. This is what it's all about. If anyone out there is weighing the decision, let this push you over to our side of the fence.

Don't worry, be happy

Although I've always disliked the prevalent biases found in the New York Times, I found a good New Year's article by Timothy Wilson. It's alright, don't think twice. Apparently, studies find that over-self-analyzation can be psychologically detrimental. This, being the time of year to reflect upon one's actions and relationships, one can easily fall into the trap of thinking oneself into discouragement and disillusionment. The bottom line? Just take things as they come. If you want to change something in your life, just do it. Forget the hours of analization and list writing. Good luck!

Friday, December 30

iPod endorsement

Always the Apple cult member, I've gotta say that my new blackiPod 60GB is the coolest toy since transformers came out with the constructobots that attached to each other to form one huge megabot. I think that was 1985. It took twenty years, but Apple finally one-upped it. Sure there's the coolness factor due to the sleek new design and black face, but the tech features are endless. The only thing it lacks is the ability to make a phone call or get email. But that shouldn't take Apple long.

It's hard to believe that 60GB will even fit in my pocket, but I've done everything from the treadmill to hitting the back country on the ski slopes with it. Worried about dropping it? Forget about it, the new iPods have a sensor that tells it if it is in a free fall, automatically shutting off the hard disk so that no memory is susceptible to corruption on impact.

The screens resolution is astounding. I have a couple dozen music videos (everything from Michael Jackson to Kanye West), some home video clips, Anchorman (more DVD's being ripped as I write), and 2500 digital pictures. All this and I haven't even come close to filling up those 60GB. I could put all 50 DVD's I own on there and still have room for much more.

I opened up the hard disk and now I use it to back up my 12" Powerbook G4. I almost felt bad introducing my laptop to the new iPod, knowing that the iPod has as much disk space in about 1/20th of the size. But the two make good companions.

So anyway, the bottom line is this--go buy the new iPod. It's worth the $369 I spent after my BYU discount...and heck, they're offering 90 days same as cash = )